Caddywhompus is drummer Sean Hart and vocalist/guitarist Chris Rehm, two music industry students at Loyola University New Orleans that are originally from Houston, TX. Dubbing themselves as noise-pop, the band has an experimental sound with progressive rock time-changes galore. Their songs shift multiple genres and moods, but never come to the point of being excessive. "This Is Where We Blaze The Nuggz" has moments of soft ambiance, aggressive wall-of-sound guitar, dancey rhythm, and ends with lovely chanting vocals. Their influences seem to have a wide range as well. Short and sweet "Absinthesizer" is a pop gem with guitar-work that is reminiscent of the indie-rock group Deerhoof. "Untitled #7408" begins with a smooth, steady-uprising beat equivalent to New Order - Ceremony that transcends into a climatic post-rock ending. Think Explosions In The Sky without the overly-long buildups.
Caddywhompus are a new force in the New Orleans indie-rock scene who are pushing the envelope in terms of creating a unique blend of pop music. The free EP they've released so far shows great promise in both their originality and diverseness. Look out for them as they have quite a few shows coming up if you are in the area:
Dec 13 - Insomkneeacks - Baton Rouge, LA
Dec 14 - Dragon's Den - New Orleans, LA
Dec 27 - Commerce St Wharehouse - Houston, TX
Jan 3 - Notsuoh - Houston, TX
Jan 17 - Alabamba Music Box - Mobile, AL
Jan 23 - Howlin' Wolf - New Orleans, LA
Feb 27 - Dragon's Den - New Orleans, LA
Video for Absinthesizer created by Stephen MacDonald of Antenna Inn/Big Rock Candy Mountain/Fay Wray/Kanahele fame:
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